From left: Wesley Davis, Karen Kam, Joshua Borneman, Kaitlyn Bello, Samuel Gray, Kim Curtis, Patrick Hasson, Darby Festa, Christopher Hirokawa and Andrea Smith.
PHILADELPHIA – Stradley Ronon kicked off its summer associate program on May 28 by welcoming ten law students across Stradley’s Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. offices, including the 2019 recipient of Stradley’s Diversity Scholarship. These students will spend their summer handling real-world assignments designed to strengthen their lawyering skills, immersed in the firm’s culture of collaboration, personalized career development, and exceptional client service.
This year’s class includes:
- Kaitlyn Bello – American University Washington College of Law (Washington, D.C.)
- Joshua Borneman – The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law (Washington, D.C.)
- Kim Curtis – University of Virginia School of Law (Philadelphia)
- Wesley Davis – Temple University Beasley School of Law (Philadelphia)
- Darby Festa – University of North Carolina School of Law (Philadelphia)
- Samuel Gray – Georgetown University Law Center (Philadelphia)
- Patrick Hasson – University of Pennsylvania Law School (Philadelphia)
- Christopher Hirokawa – Temple University Beasley School of Law, 2019 Stradley Diversity Scholarship Recipient (Philadelphia)
- Karen Kam – Temple University Beasley School of Law (Philadelphia)
- Andrea Smith – Temple University Beasley School of Law (Philadelphia)
About Stradley Ronon
Counseling clients since 1926, Stradley Ronon has helped private and public companies – from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations – achieve their goals by providing pragmatic, value-driven legal counsel. With offices in eight strategic locations, our responsive team of more than 200 attorneys seamlessly addresses the full spectrum of our clients’ needs, ranging from sophisticated corporate transactions to complex commercial litigation.
About Stradley’s Diversity Scholarship Program
Stradley’s Diversity Scholarship Program is designed to identify and support diverse, rising second-year law students who demonstrate the characteristics needed to become future leaders in the Philadelphia legal community. In addition to receiving a $5,000 scholarship, the 2019 recipient, Christopher Hirokawa, will have the opportunity to spend several weeks working with firm client Macquarie Investment Management.