OUR Approach
From our clients’ perspective, the best type of litigation is often the kind that never occurs. With that in mind, we concentrate on minimizing risks and resolving disputes without the need to engage in costly, time-consuming and disruptive litigation. We are well-known for our commitment to, and facility with, alternative dispute resolution techniques and routinely employ them to our clients’ advantage. However, when litigation proves unavoidable or going to court is in our clients’ best interests, we skillfully advocate for clients, working toward achieving their business goals as quickly as possible. In doing so, we are guided by three principles:
Theme-Based Case Strategy: Everything we do is designed to persuade the judge or jury and present a winning case. Our careful case strategizing, ability to build persuasive arguments, effective motion practice and deep trial experience have earned us a reputation as formidable opponents and have led to many favorable settlements for our clients. This focused approach also promotes efficiency, as time and resources are not wasted on issues or arguments that are unlikely to move the decision-makers.
Targeted and Strategic Discovery: We view discovery as a means to an end and not an end in itself. Excessive discovery is expensive, wasteful, time-consuming and almost always counterproductive. This is particularly true in a world of proliferating electronically stored data. We don’t simply “manage” matters. When engaged in discovery, we focus on the key facts and core themes most likely to persuade decision-makers – in the boardroom as well as in the courtroom. Employing the latest technologies, case-appropriate staffing and proven project management technologies, we streamline the discovery process and maintain our focus in even the most document-intensive cases.
Value-Driven Staffing: We pride ourselves on a “lean and mean” approach to staffing. Our highly skilled, smaller teams of focused trial lawyers consistently outperform larger, less-focused teams of litigators, and do so at lower overall costs. If a client is ever unhappy with our services or dissatisfied with what it is paying, it’s our firm’s philosophy that the client has the final say as to what is charged.
OUR Services
Members of our litigation teams work closely with one another to provide integrated, seamless and efficient services on a full range of legal issues for our clients, including:
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Complex Commercial & Class Action Litigation
- Construction
- Cyber Insurance
- Data Breach Response
- E-Discovery
- Employment & Labor
- Financial Services Litigation
- Health Care Litigation
- Insurance Coverage Advisory & Litigation
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Internal Investigations, Corporate Compliance & White-Collar Crime
- Life Sciences
- Nonprofit & Religious Organizations Litigation
- Products Liability & Mass Tort Defense
- Securities Litigation & Enforcement